
May is a super smart girl, one of the few people who aced the introductory 18 levels in life. She also happens to be really nice too.
She is also a former commisioner, and former vice chairman for VFGC.

Oh right, she destroys Boris himself at chess as well, which is an amazing feat.

May is actually really fucking good at melee, like no joke. Watch her SICK combo video here!

She has half-assed retired from melee now. She has become a coach (check out her metafy!), teaching players to get better at the game, which she is very good at.
May has created an amazingly thorough Marth vs Peach Guide, check it out! It's absolutely bonkers!
She does play in her own tournaments though, because there she can rig the brackets and make sure she plays who she wants. #raggingbrickets

To demonstrate exactly how good she is at melee, below is an enormous list with all of Mays ssbm tournament wins. Both online and offline, categorized (not sorted really).
May currently has 42 offline tournament wins and 62 online tournament wins.
104 tournament wins in total! Seriously, over 100! Congratz my girl!

This list is sadly outdated, and might be updated in the distant future.

Online Netplay Tournaments:

Offline Tournaments:

May mains marth.

Boris is a very big fan of Mays marth.