Hope (Jonas)

Called Jonas most of the time. This dude is the dad of VFGC.
He is really nice and cool and stuff.

Jonas has 2 adorable kids, which sometimes visits VFGC and says hi to all the gamers.

This man has TO:ed and helped TO many tournaments for VFGC, including every single KBit. He was also a crucial factor for VFGC:s creation and survival, as he has driven the organization forward.


  • Founder, current Treasurer for and former Chairman and Commissioner of VFGC
  • Works for a university, cause he's super smart
  • Best results for least amount of hours in melee
  • Spectated every Kebabmatch in the history of history itself

A picture of Hope TO:ing KBit 2017.
He did a lot of work for that tournament. What a champ!